TUESDAY: Lamar White Jr., Shaun Clarke, and Jim Brown


Liberal political blogger, Lamar White Jr. , who broke the story about Steve Scalise discusses his the reaction to his story.  White says he received the tip from someone on a campaign against Steve Scalise that there was a picture of Scalise and David Duke.  "I don't think he should be majority whip anymore."  White also comments on the favorite to replace Governor Bobby Jindal.  "The governor's race is about who you want in your newspaper every morning.  The senate race is who we send off."

When asked if Governor Bobby Jindal could win the presidency, White says, "The short answer is no.  I don't think he has a prayer at all.  He is deeply unpopular in his own state, and I think that record will catch up with him." 

Scalise voted twice against making Martin Luther King Jr. Day a state holiday even though it was already a federal holiday. 

Lawyer Shaun Clarke, friend of Steve Scalise, wrote a letter in a Texas newspaper supporting Scalise.  "The guy does  not have a racist bone in his body... He is just a genuinely nice, decent human being... He wasn't worried about getting votes or campaign contributions." 


Jim Brown joins the show for the full hour and comments on the Friday vote of the Joint Legislative Committee on the State Trooper raise and discusses the upcoming election for governor.  Brown ran for governor in 1987.

Oil fell below $45 dollar a barrel today. 

"We're talking about a billion or more shortfall than what they had last year," Brown says about Louisiana's budget.  

Derek Ponamsky comments about his story on the Alabama linebacker's coach, Kevin Steele.  

Jim Brown comments on Scalise's attendance to a David Duke rally.  "I'm not defending Scalise, but having been an elected official, I didn't vet every group I went to." 

A listener comments, "Louisiana politicians get away with talking to supremacists groups and calling prostitutes but not raising taxes." 

Governor Bobby Jindal will go down in history as the biggest cutter of higher education.  He would not be a United States citizen unless his mother had the job she did at LSU.