MONDAY: John Kaufman, John Kennedy, Dr. Richard Ebright, Mike Rubin, AP Tureaud, Rachel Emmanuel, and Jenson Moore


Director of Marketing John Kaufman joins the show from the Manship Theatre.  He shares the development of the Manship Theatre over the past ten years and the celebration of the anniversary on Thursday.  


State Treasurer John Kennedy comments on the recent budget cuts and the proposed tax credits.  The biggest income is the inventory tax which comes to about 525 million dollars.  Only 14 states charge an inventory tax. He explains the impact this will have on small businesses.  "I don't the legislature will raise inventory tax," John Kennedy says, "because it will cost too many jobs." 

"If the legislature adopts everything the governor has proposed, higher ed will still be cut 211 million." 




Professor of Chemistry and Microbiology at Rutgers University Dr. Richard Ebright shares his opinion on the recent story about the release of a deadly bacteria from the Tulane Primate Center.  "There is minimal risk to the community at this time of the spread of the biological agent... However, this is a major implication of policy."  

Dr. Ebright asserts that it is extremely unlikely it is an act of bioterrism.  


Mike Rubin, AP Tureaud, and Dr. Rachel Emmanuel of Southern University promote "The History and The Mystery."  Southern University Law School is one of the most integrated schools.  "I didn't get educated, and I struggled with all of the exclusions," AP Tureaud says of his own collegiate experience, "It was miserable." 

Dr. Emmanuel says, "The opportunity to meet our mission at the law center with a diverse student population gives us an opportunity to put at the forefront some of these civil rights issues."  

Mike Rubin says, "Tomorrow will educate people not necessarily about blacks or whites, but things they did not know about." 

Assistant Professor of the Manship School of Mass Communications Jenson Moore remembers the life and death of Spock and analyzes Facebook and the death announcements.  She explains why Star Trek resonated with its time and the following generations.  

"We go through the bereavement process using social networking sites," Jenson Moore says.  She comments on Facebook's new feature that allows you to designate a person to control your pages after your death called a legacy contact.  

They discuss whether people on Facebook should always have a picture on their page.